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of community wellness through holistic health.

Cultivated Health

Cultivate - 1.prepare and use land for crops or gardening

     2. to acquire or develop a quality or skill

Cultivation of the land requires the turning of the soil. Then seeds must be planted and the soil must remain hydrated and have proper nutrients so the seeds will sprout. Weeds must be pulled from around the seedlings so they have room to grow. Too many weeds will choke out healthy plants. As the plants grow, they must be pruned in order to bear as much fruit as possible. Many plants together create a garden filled with a wide array of diversity living harmoniously and producing an abundant crop.

 That’s our lives. We are the garden. Our souls are the soil. The manner in which we tend it depends on the fruit we produce. What we plant, what we allow to grow are all a direct reflection of how we tend the soil of the soul. When we are careful with intentionality to the things we pour our energy to and we prune out the negativity, our lives are full of sweetness and joy. This is the holistic life.

The Holistic Life.

Holistic health, also known as holistic healing, is a comprehensive approach that encompasses all aspects of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It recognizes that every individual is unique and that true healing can only occur when we address the underlying imbalances in our lives. Holistic health goes beyond merely treating the symptoms of a specific ailment or disease. It focuses on understanding the root causes of our health issues and aims to restore harmony and balance within our entire being. This approach acknowledges the intricate connections between our mind, body, and soul, emphasizing that they are all interdependent and influence one another. The key principle of holistic health is the belief that our bodies have an innate ability to heal themselves. By supporting and nourishing our bodies with the right nutrition, exercise, and self-care practices, we can optimize our body's natural healing abilities. Holistic health also recognizes the importance of our mental and emotional well-being in maintaining good health. Stress, negative emotions, and unresolved trauma can have a profound impact on our physical health. Therefore, holistic healing encourages practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and therapy to address these aspects of our well-being.

Understanding holistic health is essential for everyone, regardless of their background or current state of health. By embracing this holistic approach, we can unlock our body's natural healing potential and achieve optimal well-being in all areas of our lives. Let us embark on this transformative journey, taking small steps each day towards a more balanced, harmonious, and fuelled life.

Cultivated Health is the art of balance. It’s the process through which we create longevity and a beautifully manicured inner garden of health.

Our Initiative

The United States spends $4.1 TRILLION annually on healthcare.

According to the CDC, 60% of the current population has been diagnosed with a chronic illness. These are now referred to as lifestyle illnesses. This diagnosis includes heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, obesity, lung disease, kidney disease, Alzheimer's and all autoimmune diseases.

That’s 6 out of every 10 people. 

4 of those 6 have two or more lifestyle illnesses!!!

Chronic illness is the leading cause of death and disability. 75% of the healthcare budget is spent on “preventable chronic disease”

The key risks for these illnesses are poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, excessive drinking and smoking, liver toxicity and an unhealthy microbiome.

Understanding how the systems of the body work independently as well as how they are connected is vital for overall wellness. Education that leads to the establishment of good habits like eating more whole foods, clean plain water, herbs & minerals and physical activity is the “cure” for chronic illness.

The Cultivated Health Initiative exists to educate and provide the community with holistic health services.

Education will include programs, enrichment activities and focus groups as well as using social media & the nonprofit's website to promote holistic practices and Aryvedic principles. Programs will include scholarship opportunities, sending practitioners out to raise awareness around healthy lifestyle and fundraising for needs in the community.

Weed, Feed & Seed

your way to better health!

BBQ Fundraiser

Join us in funding our initiative.

Dinner: BBQ Pulled Pork, Coleslaw, Mac & Cheese, Sauteed Greens, Drink & Dessert

Basket Raffle and 50/50

Kids Cooking Classes

Kids Cooking Classes

Choose a time that suits your schedule!

Choose a time that suits your schedule!

Cooking class for children ages 8-12.

One hour a week for 6 weeks. Choose the time and date that’s best for you and your child. During our first session, we will decide what YOUR child would like to learn based on his/her preferences.

The main objective of these classes is to educate children on the importance of balanced healthy eating and the benefits that come from it while teaching them basic culinary skills like kitchen safety, reading recipes and following directions and proper knife handling. There will be many opportunities for young chefs to master these cooking skills through easy healthy recipes created with whole foods. The kids will enjoy their creations at the end of class and will be sent home with recipe cards so they can try to recreate the recipes at home.