Physical Health

Garage Gym

Nothing fancy.

All the right equipment for an incredible workout!

Did you know that there are currently insurance companies that reimburse your gym membership??

Yes, you read that right! You can get your gym membership paid for by insurance. Click the link below to learn which insurance companies offer this benefit and how you can start taking advance of it.

Dynamic Stretch Class

Move your body through standing and sitting stretches in connection with your breathing for a gentle class that feels fantastic. We work on the major muscle groups of the body to improve range of motion, gain flexibility, and decrease pain.

Here at The Corner Abbey, we are dedicated to holistic health which includes not just mental health but emotional health as well. Our philosophy and our programs encourage intentionality, self care and increased awareness of all aspects of health. 

Stretching or (Americanized Yoga) is a huge part of what we encourage in holistic health because it teaches mindfulness practices which keep the mind in the present moment.

Yoga means to Yolk- which means to unite. Uniting movement with breath. 

The breath is able to control the mind and body. The breath is the gateway from the mind to the body. The breath creates space to respond instead of reacting. Focusing on the breath brings greater awareness to the physical body.

This type of breathing also taps into the parasympathetic nervous system- the rest and digest. Allowing our bodies time to replenish and getting us out of the sympathetic nervous system (fight, flight, freeze)- which releases stress hormones and toxins to the body. This stops the production of cortisol (stress hormone) and helps you regulate your parasympathetic nervous system to create more balance in your life. 

Physical activity may help bump up the production of your brain's feel good neurotransmitters called endorphins. Practicing in a community does the same thing plus it helps create social connections!! 

The more we take care of ourselves, the better we feel. The better we feel, the more energy we have to care for the ones we love! Self care is a win-win for everyone.